Are you looking for a dog trainer to help you with your new puppy or dog?
Working with a qualified dog trainer certainly makes owning a dog much easier and it’s so important to get your puppy training right from the start. After all, when your new puppy arrives, it can be a stressful few days for all making sure they are settling in well. To help this process go smoothly, we would highly recommend getting a fully insured professional dog trainer on board before you even pick your puppy up.
Make the most of a dog trainer’s knowledge and experience
There are so many tips and tricks you can gain from them to make the puppy feel comfortable in their new home. Most dog trainers will offer a pre-puppy at home lesson to make sure you have the right equipment and are prepared for day 1 and night 1 of their arrival. This is particularly useful if you are a first-time dog owner. It’s also really useful to have a dog trainer at the other end of the phone in case you are worried about your puppy’s behaviour.
Amazing success with dog training via video call
Many dog trainers offer these sessions via video call which are extremely successful so you don’t necessarily have to go with a local trainer. Not only can you show them around your house from your laptop, ipad or mobile phone you don’t have to worry about social distancing and you can get the whole family involved in the training session regardless of how young or old they are. When everyone comes together and is on the same page, using the same cues and have a greater understanding of what your puppy needs, it really does help the progress you make in your dog training.
Always use reward-based training methods
There are many dog trainers around but you want to check what training methods your dog trainer uses, ideally finding a trainer who uses positive reinforcement. A knowledgeable trainer will use reward-based training and have a sound understanding of dog behaviour.
Find a dog trainer who fits in with your own ethics and dog training goals. There will be dog trainers out there who don’t match up with your beliefs and that is ok, but be sure to ask the dog trainer before signing up to puppy classes or dog training classes. Be sure to check their reviews and be cautious of those with an average rating.
Getting your new puppy or rescue dog is a highly exciting time and as proud dog owners, you will no doubt want to get stuck into your dog training classes.
How do I get good behaviour without shouting or getting frustrated with my dog?
We only recommend positive reinforcement training because it is ethical and congruent with our own morals on how to train a dog. We believe that a pet is part of the family and by understanding how dogs learn, how dogs communicate and why dogs behave the way they do, a knowledgeable trainer will not have the need to use harsh methods. Harsh methods include jerking the lead, shouting, hitting the dog, scaring or intimidating the dog, using unethical training devices such as electric shock collars or prong collars. These are commonly known as ‘aversive’ training methods and are frequently used by ‘balanced dog trainers’. Our advice is that these methods should not be used and never for behaviour issues as these methods of training could make the problem behaviour much worse.
What shall I bring to your group dog training classes?
To be prepared for your first lesson we would recommend you bring your dog’s lead and harness or flat collar. Extendible leads or slip leads are not recommended for this type of training session. Remember that in the first lesson, your dog or puppy will usually be very distracted and it will take a few sessions for them to settle in. Most dogs are highly sociable and want to say hello to all the other dogs and or people!
As long as your dog or puppy has no food intolerances then we would highly recommend those dog owners prepare some extra-tasty treats to bring to your dog training classes. This works especially well if it is something your dog doesn’t normally have at home. Dog’s learn best for something that really motivates them like some juicy chicken, cheddar cheese or sausages. This is really important to help your puppy or dog focus on what you are training and not be distracted by the other dogs. When you teach new behaviours this is ideally practiced at home where there are few or no distractions hence why at your dog training class you want to have something in your pocket that really gets your dogs attention. There is always a balance between the level of distractions and how motivating the reinforcement is.
What to bring to puppy classes
Other useful things to bring to your dog training classes are your dog’s bed or a comfy mat they can lie on and a couple of really tasty chews. Again these are used when the dog trainer or dog trainers are explaining something or demonstrating a training exercise with their own dog. After all, you don’t want your puppy or dog to be the one that continuously barks and disrupts the training sessions. Again this would be something your dog doesn’t normally have at home so that it gets them really interested in the chew rather than the neighbouring dog. But if you forget your dog chew or treats, don’t worry, a good trainer will have some spares they can give you.
What will I learn in my dog training classes?
Each dog trainer will have a specific programme they follow but the main topics that are usually covered are:
Walking nicely on the lead without pulling ·Come when called To settle To be gentle when taking food from your hand Impulse control Not jumping up Not barking Stop play biting Obedience training Sit, down, stand, stay Dog body language Socialisation
You will usually learn some of the exercises above each week and your trainer will encourage you to practice these before your next session so that you continue to progress.
You will really enjoy your dog training classes but be prepared for the first couple of sessions to be rowdy and sometimes leaving you’re a little embarrassed about your furry friend. Do not worry! This can be totally normal and we highly recommend you persevere with your training classes because you and your puppy or dog will settle in.
How much does dog training usually cost and how much are puppy training classes?
The cost of puppy training classes in the UK varies depending on what area you live in and what style of dog training classes they are. Some dog training clubs offer large group classes of around 20 dogs per class and other smaller businesses offer small groups of up to five dogs or puppies.
How much are puppy training classes and how much does 1:1 puppy training cost in the UK?
According to a 2020/21 survey, 33% of UK households have a dog. It is estimated that the number of dogs we currently have in the UK is 12.5 million, a rise of 3.5 million the year before. That means 3.2 million dogs were bought in 2021/22 in lockdown.
This means that there was a huge need for puppy training in the UK and therefore there were more dog training classes available. These varied as the Covid pandemic restrictions lifted and changed. Some outdoor classes were able to resume sooner than indoor ones and some trainers offered online versions of tutoring which worked well.
Despite the pandemic puppy boom, the cost of puppy and dog training classes in the UK has actually remained fairly steady at around £8 for a group class and around £55 for a one to one session.
What are the benefits of dog training online?
These video calls are live so you get real-time interaction with the trainer. No pre-recorded videos. Teach great foundations in the comfort of your own home/garden without distractions. Your puppy can focus and isn’t frustrated and becomes unruly because they can’t get to the other puppies or people in the class. More opportunities to ask the trainer questions. No travelling to classes. Start as soon as you have your dog or puppy. No need for vaccinations ahead of starting your face to face class. Experience lots of guided help, encouragement and support from your trainer. Children are welcome to take part in the training with you. Getting the whole family involved is hugely beneficial for your puppy or dog. Avoid unpredictable weather eg: no cancelled outdoor classes if it’s too wet, hot or cold. No need for social distancing rules or COVID-19 hygiene requirements whilst training. No cancellations due to positive Covid tests or requiring to self-isolate. Training always continues!
Can I get an online dog trainer?
Absolutely! Don’t just look in the surrounding areas. What most people don’t realise is that dog training is hugely successful online. It is less stressful for the owner and you generally learn more with no distractions yourself so you get a lot out of the sessions. Online training can help with a range of issues including aggressive behaviour, anxiety and obedience training.
The dog trainers will usually use clear ways to demonstrate training exercises then you do it in real-time while your trainer watches you. Anything from basic commands, recall, loose lead walking and certain behaviour cases are very interactive and enjoyable.
Online classes give you the opportunity to practice safely at home with no distractions and where the whole family can be involved. It is important for you and your puppy to grow in confidence together to gain a positive life experience as they grow.
Online training works amazingly well but in particular, for shy rescue dogs perhaps who have experienced some trauma and the presence of other dogs would be too stressful. Reactive dogs are often excluded from group classes so online dog training is a brilliant option. Dog training is done at home with the least amount of stress and is easy to follow. Online 1:1 training would also be useful for an older dog who would be overwhelmed by a group class but would benefit from mental stimulation at home which can really improve some common elder dogs behaviour.
My dog has behavioural issues, can I still attend a class?
It depends on what behavioural issues your dog has. For example, if they have separation anxiety but you want a dog trainer’s help because your dog is pulling on the lead, then yes group classes are ideal for you. However, if you dog has behavioural issues such as aggression or severe anxiety home lessons would be better so as not to stress the dog. It also means that other members of the family can join in in an environment your dog feels comfortable.
Frequently asked questions
Where do I find a dog trainer?
Usually, dog trainers are found online by doing a google search, recommendation by word of mouth or you can enquire at your local vet practice.
Is my dog too old for puppy classes?
Depending on the dog training class there may be an upper age limit to puppy classes. This is usually six months of age as older dogs can be too boisterous for younger puppies. Do not worry as the trainer may have an adolescent or adult dog training class to offer or know someone who does. It is important to continue your puppy’s education and not stop after the puppy course. You have so many fun things to learn together as an adult dog. You can teach an old dog new tricks.
It’s not my dog that’s the problem, it’s me! Dog owners influence.
Do not worry! This is where dog trainers people skills come into play. The secret about dog training is that most dog trainers don’t train dogs, they train people. A dog trainer or behaviourist will help shape your abilities and reinforce all the right things both with the dog and dog owner. It is sometimes the case where your behaviours or actions affect the dog without you necessarily realising. Training a dog also looks at training the owner.
How much does dog training cost?
Many dog trainers offer group classes as well as one to one private sessions so it is always good to enquire. It is up to you which you choose however for shy or over excited puppies, private training (1-1 dog training) may be a better choice for you.
The cost of private training sessions ranges from £40 to £110 per hour depending on the training. Group classes are usually more cost-effective.
What changes the cost of a dog trainer?
The cost of a dog trainer can change depending on different factors which include:
Location Class type (group or one to one) Training type (obedience, agility, scentwork etc) Age of dog (puppy, adult or behavioural) How much is a dog training class?
Attending group classes can be a great place to meet fellow dog lovers. These are usually slightly broader brushed as the trainer will be looking after others in the class as well but are often more cost-effective than private tuition. Group dog training classes for adult dogs are usually £20 to £80 per session. If you purchase a course or a set of sessions in bulk, most trainers offer discounts on packages of multiple training sessions.
How much are puppy training classes?
Group puppy training classes can be really fun for some young dogs and cost around £10 to £25 per session depending on your location, how qualified the puppy trainer is and how many other puppies are in the group.
A six week group puppy training class with one session per week will average around £60-£150 depending on where you live. Each session is usually 45 to 60 minutes. The puppy classes are usually a little shorter than adult dog training classes because the puppies can get very tired or overexcited.
How much does puppy training cost in the UK?
A dog trainer doesn’t just teach your dog a cool new trick – they’re highly specialised in their field of expertise. From teaching puppies basic obedience to working up the competing ladder of agility or scentwork, a dog trainer has spent many years of experience, their education and dog training qualifications, their annual CPD (continued professional development) they have to complete each year which keep them up to date with the latest training techniques and the hours of dedication it takes to run classes and sessions. They will normally offer support to clients outside sessions if they have any problems with their dogs.
You pay for them to share with you their skills and knowledge to move forward with your dog and have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Remember, they know all the tips and tricks so you can bypass making your own mistakes and save yourself a headache later on.
For private one to one sessions puppy training normally costs between £40 – £110 per session depending on location, qualifications and experience of the trainer. A group puppy class will be more cost-effective at around £10 – £25 per session but be careful not to go to group classes with more than 8 puppies as anything larger can be quite overwhelming for them.
How do I choose a dog behaviourist?
When looking choose a behaviourist that has the appropriate qualifications, affiliations, knowledge and skills. Make sure you can see what training methods they use as some can be harmful or lead to further behaviour problems. Don’t choose a trainer or behaviourist if the training techniques they use are based on fear, pain, choke chains, shouting, yanking or hitting.
Why you should look for someone who uses positive reinforcement methods, ethical and force-free techniques.
There is always a root cause to a dogs behaviour and getting someone who understands dogs is important. Training methods should always be ethical and kind, usually where good behaviour is positively reinforced.
The Animal Behaviour and Training Council sets and oversees standards of professional competence and animal welfare in the training and behaviour therapy of animals.
Whether you have a barking problem, you just want to teach your puppy to sit and say, you would like your dog to stop jumping up or you generally want a happy dog with good behaviour you should always be patient and understanding when training. These things take time and training should not be rushed! See training as your dog’s lifelong education.
If my dog’s issues are more severe, how do I choose a dog behaviourist?
If you are concerned about your dog’s behaviour, your first point of call should always be your vet. They will check the dog over and make sure there are no signs of pain or an underlying medical condition that could be affecting the behaviour. Your vet may be able to make some recommendations as well as to direct you to local behaviourists. It is also now common to be seen by a behaviourist out of the area via video call which is also extremely effective. Do not be put off by this format of training as it is hugely successful and has become very popular.
How do I find a dog trainer in London?
One great thing 2021 brought was opening up opportunities to home school your puppy or dog. With the rise in video call usage from Zoom, Teams, Whatsapp and Facetime puppy training continued through the pandemic. Regardless of lockdowns, illness or having to self-isolate, online dog training sessions became widely available and well recognised.
Look for a trainer with good reviews and don’t discount online puppy training. It is extremely popular because it is so effective and much more convenient for you with not having to travel. Do not worry about the socialisation side as the trainer will talk you through how this is done. It’s more than showing your puppy other puppies in a class. It’s about how your puppy experiences everything they see over the next few months.
I live in London but I’ve seen a dog trainer in the West Midlands that I like, shall I contact them?
Yes absolutely! Since the Covid pandemic, many businesses invested in new technology and home studio setups to allow them to teach extremely effectively. If you haven’t already, do give it a go as it is extremely successful for dog training.
I would like my dog trained for me as I don’t have the time, is this possible?
The short answer is yes. Some dog trainers offer training walks or board and train services. Make sure they are fully insured to carry out this work and if they board dogs, they must have an animal boarding licence issued by their local council. This ensures that the animals are:
kept in suitable accommodation given adequate food, drink and bedding visited and exercised regularly protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease protected in case of an emergency, like a fire looked after by people who are trained to care for the animals And they need to: keep any records ready for inspection, for example, a register of animals boarded, like dates they arrived and left display the licence number in any advertising display the licence clearly on the premises
Full details here:
You may find a local trainer but it is worth having a good look around and searching slightly further afield to ensure they use kind, ethical training methods. Do always ask to visit the facility and ask the dog trainers plenty of questions about how they correct a dog’s behaviour. Ask them also what their understanding is of how a dog learns and how they interpret a dog’s body language who is afraid. This will give you a good insight into their depth of dog knowledge.
Sometimes these establishments have other animals on site which can be helpful for training depending on your dog’s behaviour.
I don’t like walking my dog anymore and I am fed up with them pulling on the lead. Can a dog trainer help me with my dog’s behaviour?
Yes absolutely! Don’t delay! Pulling on the lead can be relentless and stressful for dog owners and the longer you leave it, the more the dog practices the unwanted behaviour and think’s it’s ok. Most dog trainers offer specific courses for dogs that pull on the lead so reach out and get support from a dog training professional. If you are really struggling but your dog still needs to exercise, you could call upon a local dog walking service. They often have private enclosed dog fields they use or could potentially have the skills to help you with the pulling problem.
I have a wonderful dog but my dog’s behaviour is terrible. I want to join a course where other dog owners feel the same. Are there lessons for dogs with behaviour issues?
There are select trainers who offer specific courses for dogs with a range of behavioural issues. These lessons are usually held in very small groups of three or four dogs to a class so that the dogs are less likely to be triggered and the class is better managed by the trainer, also giving you more one to one time to give you advice than a large group. These lessons would not be suitable, however, for separation anxiety as this is best taught at home.
There are so many dog trainers around using different dog training techniques, how do I know who to choose?
Whether you have a reactive dog, a dog with a barking problem or a dog that simply need obedience training for pulling on the lead you need to find a dog trainer who is fully insured and only uses positive reinforcement techniques to train dogs. Lead jerking, shouting, hitting or scaring the dog would all be red flags to avoid.
Check the surrounding area where you live for a local pet professional and be sure they have the right skills needed to help you with your dog’s training issues. Check their website for what dog training courses and qualifications they have. Then the best thing to do is pick up the phone and have a chat with them. Ask if they have dogs themselves and what experience they have training dogs. Did they train their own dogs themselves?
My dog is friendly but I need help, who can I speak to for support?
Having an over-excited dog or over-friendly dog can also be stressful for dog owners to walk on a lead and know how to stop them jumping up at everyone. Having a well-trained dog takes time and patience but is also highly rewarding to get them there. To get the skills needed to train your dog to walk on the lead, we highly recommend finding courses specifically for this.
Why does my dog pull on the lead so much?
Well quite simply because they generally walk faster than we do and also get excited by the things around them. Lead walking is one of the hardest things to train well when you have an excitable and highly sociable dog. Getting yourselves enrolled on a course specifically to help with lead walking will be invaluable. After all, we do want to take our dogs out walking with us but also have the dog training skills to teach them how to we want them to walk on a lead. Using plenty of reward-based training methods you and your dog will enjoy your walks in no time.
My dog won’t stop jumping up at the table or kitchen counters, can I get support with this from a dog trainer?
Yes, many dog trainers also offer 1:1 training lessons in your own home. This can be really useful if the jumping up is specific to an area such as the kitchen or with particular visitors or guests. Dogs jump up for many reasons and your trainer will go through some management strategies for the house as well as teaching the dog good behaviour.
I live in the West Midlands and have two reactive dogs. Will the dog’s behaviour ever get better?
Dog training is very much like being a dog and dog owners teacher so things can improve with some support lessons from a fully insured and qualified dog trainer. If you have a dog with behaviour issues, it is important as a responsible dog owner to always get them checked by the vet first to see if there is anything medical that could be affecting the behaviour. Once they have the all-clear, then getting help to look at those training issues. Depending on how severe your behaviour problems are a dog trainer may refer you to a behaviourist who would be more appropriate to tackle the issues with your pet.
I’m looking for dog training in the surrounding area, but where I live in South Wales and there are no reward-based dog trainers around. What are my options?
Regardless of whether you live in South Wales or somewhere else, online dog training is highly successful, sometimes more affordable and much more convenient for owners. Don’t limit yourself to local dog training classes as there are plenty of online courses. Also don’t worry if you don’t like technology or don’t have the skills to confidently get around your PC as calls can be done to your mobile phone, tablet or laptop
Is paying for dog training worth it?
100% YES. Finding a professional dog trainer in your area isn’t as simple as finding the closest one to where you live. Pet professionals go by several titles, such as “dog trainer” “dog behaviourist”, “behaviour counsellor,” “pet trainer,” “pet psychologist,” or “pet therapist.” Most people think to go to puppy school but there are so many other courses for older dogs. Whether it is your first dog or a new addition to the pack, every dog (and owner) can benefit from a dog trainer’s expertise.
Can I walk my dog confidently on the lead without pulling?
A pet professionals invaluable experience and advice can fastrack the good behaviour you want. Training dogs is a skill that involves many years of study and practical experience to give owners the advice they need. As a dog owner, you would see faster improvement by taking a few lessons with a professional. With the guidance and support your walking will improve in no time.
Contact Us
Get in touch for a FREE 20 minute telephone or video call about how we can help your dog. It’s the ideal opportunity for you to get to know us, discuss your specific training needs and for us to explain how we can help.
Telephone: 07557 301161
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