Puppy training near you
Have you got a new puppy and want to train it to be a well-behaved dog? Are you a new puppy owner looking for a dog trainer and not sure where to start?
The most important thing is to get the training right from day 1. If you haven’t already done so, get some dog training sessions booked in as soon as possible. Getting it right from the start it far easier than undoing bad habits if they creep in later down the line. Our motto is ‘Problem prevention is better than problem cure!’
So where do you start?
The internet is teaming with online dog training courses, many different types of puppy training classes and a host of free advice on platforms such as YouTube. The amount of advice out there is just overwhelming and sadly there is a tremendous amount of bad advice. This can lead you to try out things that may make your puppy scared or confused so pick up the phone and seek professional advice.
We highly recommend that your training instructors are force-free or use positive reinforcement methods rather than any harsh, jerking on the lead or manhandling the puppy. This will help you bond and understand your puppy. We also recommend that you check that they are well established in the area, have a good number of years experience behind them, have great reviews and are fully insured.
The best place to look for a local dog trainer is Google or by recommendation from your local vet, pet store or friend. Make sure you know what their training methods are and they are in keeping with your own ethics. Ideally they would be a qualified trainer who only uses kind, positive reinforcement training methods.
If you are looking at group classes, make sure they don’t have big numbers of puppies in their training classes, (up to six in a puppy class is fine). Your puppy can get overwhelmed or too distracted by other dogs if there is too much going on during the class. Your training instructor should be able to help you gain confidence and understanding of your puppy so that you can build solid foundations for your puppy’s education. Remember puppy classes are just the beginning of your puppy’s education!
Online training
If you are stuck thinking ‘How do I find a dog trainer in London?’ then remember you don’t actually have to get someone based in London. The great thing about the Covid pandemic is its actually proved that many businesses can provide extremely successful services online. This means that you don’t actually need to find a dog trainer in London, you can broaden your search and opt for some online sessions. If you can’t attend any local group puppy classes, but you still want a solid foundation for your puppy, online 1:1 training or online group puppy classes can be a great option and amazing for all breeds.
These are ideal for dog owners who really want to work 1:1 with their own dog at home without the distractions of other dogs in a puppy class. Your trainer will be able to teach you everything you need to know about responsible dog ownership and really help you gain the confidence you deserve. With the support of a reward based trainer, you can gain the skills to build a solid foundation for a well-mannered dog and prevent any unwanted behaviour before they even arise.
With a 1:1 training session you get to spend more time with your trainer who will tailor the sessions specifically to fit in with you and your dog’s needs. Most sessions are done on very readily available and easy to use video platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Whatsapp video or Facetime. Even for those who aren’t technology minded, dog training on video calls is surprisingly easy even if haven’t has sessions like this before. The start date is often flexible and therefore more convenient for owners with other commitments on certain days of the week or for those who work shifts. Group dog training classes are often indoors and can be stressful with loud barking or other puppies distracting you.
Group online dog training classes gives you the opportunity to practice safely at home with no distractions, there is no lower age limit for attendees so you can involve the whole family and no waiting for puppy vaccinations to be completed. This is a fantastic option for puppy owners as you can start the six week course even before the puppy is allowed outside. There is so much training you can do at home in preparation for the puppy’s first few outings.
An online class is very inclusive so regardless of what breed or size of dog, everyone is welcome. Each week you are usually given homework to practice and your trainer will help you do the training with the puppy in between sessions. They are always on the other end of the phone on Whatsapp or message for advice if you are not sure what to do.
Online classes also provide you with a guide on how to socialise your puppy correctly. Most people think it’s just a case of showing them as many people and dogs as possible, however, this is untrue! Puppy socialisation is about life experiences and how they feel about new things so done right, this will help your puppy grow.
Online teaching is extremely fun, interactive and highly rewarding for owners. Not only will your puppy learn, you can also get your whole family trained!
Where to start?
Once you know when you are picking up your new dog, we highly recommend booking a training session before you pick your puppy up. The trainer will go through exactly what you need to get prepared before your puppy’s arrival and also what to expect the first few nights. Settling in your puppy is really important to get right so your puppy feels safe and relaxed in their new home.
Whether you are a new puppy owner or seasoned dog owner, it is important to know how to build positive habits from the start. We are great believers of preventing bad habits in the first place so your puppy doesn’t even know what we don’t want them to do. This really helps prevent behaviour issues before they even start.
All clients have our full support throughout the course and we are always on the other end of the phone for those inevitable questions that come up along the way. We share a private group just for your dog and the trainer where you can confidently ask any questions or seek advice on anything. We are your personal tutors and always here to help and day of the week!
One of the best dog trainer’s for your puppy is someone who will help you understand not just the training itself but many different aspects of dog ownership. This is about building a bond between dog and owner with a lifelong relationship and has many parts to the relationship. From diet and nutrition, enrichment, mental stimulation, encouraging expression of natural behaviours, games based relationship building exercises and motivation. Included in that should be building independence so your puppy is happy to be left alone, basic obedience training and some suggestions of what ongoing training you and you your dog would love to do once they graduate from puppy school. Ideas such as breed specific sports such as agility, hoopers, scentwork, parkours or positive gun dog training might be good to consider.
The selection of dog courses is vast including ones specifically for reactive dogs or the older dog so do ask your trainer to recommend some.
Puppy training courses are typically a six week course which covers puppy training foundations such as:
Reliable recall – come when called Walk on a loose lead without pulling Get used to being handled for vets and groomers Sit, down, stand Stay/wait Take it, drop it, leave it How to stop play biting Correct puppy socialisation Teach them not to jump up Barking – how to not let this be a problem Fun! We use plenty of games based training to get your dog wanting to learn
One thing to remember is that dog trainers are not just dog trainers, they are people trainers too. Find a dog trainer who has excellent people skills. This is important as the new skills you will learn on your training course will be with you for life and also your dog’s life. Dog trainers are no doubt a dog lovers but if you want a well trained dog, you must also be prepared to learn the knowledge on how to do the basic training yourself. After all owners, are with their puppies 24/7 and you are their main caregivers. A good trainer should be able to train dogs but also support owners and make sure they feel confident and understand the exercises they are given in the class.
What to ask when calling a dog trainer?
The dog trainer will help you with your dog’s behaviour and help you build a beautiful bond that you will have with your own dog. A top tip is to check out the type of training they offer and look at what dog training classes they have on their social media pages. You can gauge what services you will get by looking at photos or videos of their past dog training classes.
Good questions to ask the dog trainer are: Do they offer classes at the same time each week? Where is it held? How big are the group classes? What date does the puppy training course start? What pets do they have themselves? How long have they trained dogs for professionally? Do they offer Kennel club good citizens courses? Are they affiliated to any rescue organizations? What happens if your puppy doesn’t like the other dogs, how would they manage that? To get an idea of their training methods, ask them to give you an example of an exercise they would do to teach good manners on the lead. A puppy should never be subjected to harsh training methods such as yanking on the lead or sprayed in the face.
Some dog training centres will let owners or clients watch a puppy training class for free for you to see how they run their classes.
Are you ready for some dog training? Your dog is sure enough ready!
Don’t hold your puppy back and get a training course booked right now. All the effort you put into your puppy early on will mean a lifelong harmony of dog ownership. Training your dog will become your new hobby as it doesn’t stop at puppy training. As an adult dog, there are so many dog training courses which vary from active sprots such as flyball, agility, tracking, heelwork, rally obedience, bikejoring or canicross you can get stuck into.
If you are tempted and your dog is old enough, these sports usually start on a five week course to introduce you and your dog to the sport. Also you need to see whether your dog enjoys it, remember they need to have fun too. Remember that all puppies are different and depending on what breed, character and general behaviour they have, what you fancy doing may not be what your puppy wants to do. Always work with your dogs natural ability.
This will really help your dogs motivation and keep them interested and wanting to train with you as you both grow in ability together.
Puppies may not be suitable for some of the sports until they are fully grown so therefore seek advice from your trainer as to what would be appropriate for your puppy. The Kennel Club may also be a great source of information on this.
Puppy training classes are generally for dogs up to six months of age. An older or more boisterous dog could affect a younger puppy’s behaviour within a class. For most clients, setting time and a date aside for puppy training is easy, however, when your dog gets older you may experience an occasional issue you need help with. This is completely normal and a dog’s education doesn’t ever stop at puppy school. You then ‘proof’ the training you have been taught in class in real life scenarios as you take your dog to new places.
All puppies and dogs are social and are naturally very inquisitive. Their intelligence is underestimated and actually can be a great tool when training puppies, older or convalescing dogs in particular. Mentally stimulating your dog for around 10 minutes by really challenging them to learn something new is approximately as energy draining as an hour’s walk. Dogs can be ‘exercised’ at home where they don’t have as much of a physical outlet. Dogs are highly intelligent and are generally keen learners so make the most of this.
When training your dog always make the training is appropriate for their age, finess and physical ability. In a puppy’s early development, dog’s bones and joints can be fragile and susceptible to injury (soft tissue and bone) so even if your young dog is enthusiastic, make sure you control their environment. Dogs don’t show pain well especially when they are excited with plenty of adrenaline so it’s your responsibility to keep them safe.
So, what new tricks can you teach dogs? Here is a list of simple training ideas:
Peekaboo Nose to hand touch Rollover Fetch Find it Step up
So now that you are ready to start your puppies education, get in touch with a dog trainer now! You can choose one of our online courses or contact The Kennel Club as they offer the Kennel Club good citizen dog scheme which is also popular.
When should you start puppy training classes?
The simple answer is, as early as you can! You could opt for some at home sessions before your puppy is allowed out after its last set of vaccinations. We highly recommend this as there is so much training you can do at home. This teaches your puppy the solid foundations before even adding the distractions of the outside world.
How much are puppy training classes and how much does a one to one puppy trainer cost?
Of course you could train your puppy yourself, however, we strongly recommend you get a professional dog trainer to help you. Dog training techniques constantly evolve and advance so your dog trainer will be able to teach you the latest tips and tricks.
A course of six group puppy training classes will average around £60-£100 depending on where you live. If you choose a more bespoke one to one style of coaching you with just you and the dog trainer in the session you would be looking at around £200-£300 for a similar course.
In summary, when you start making enquiries check how much are puppy training classes, make sure you ask the dog trainer questions about how they run the puppy training classes, how many dogs are in the class and what training methods they use. It is also important to ask how many trainers and/or assistant trainers will be hosting the class. This gives you an idea of how much 1:1 interaction you will get with your trainers during the class. If the class has 20 dogs and only one trainer, you may not gain the most from that class so look for smaller classes of up to 6 dogs with one or two trainers hosting it. Familiarise yourself on dog body language and make sure you know what your puppy looks like when its scared, happy, anxious, exited, tired, unsure and over exited so you can always advocate for his or her needs. These will really help your bond and build the puppy’s trust that you will get them out of a stressful situation if they feel afraid.
This is the start of you and your dog’s training journey and one which will be so rewarding and bring you so much joy for the next decade or so. Remember it’s not just dog training, it’s building a relationship that will last a lifetime!
Frequently asked questions
How much does a puppy trainer cost in the UK?
A six week group puppy training class with one 45-60min session per week will average around £60-£150 depending on where you live.
Can I train my puppy myself?
Well, yes of course you could, however to avoid any mistakes we would strongly recommend getting help as soon as your puppy is with you. If you are a first puppy owner and want a well balanced dog, we recommend contacting a dog trainer before the arrival of your puppy to ensure you have everything in place and you know what to expect in the first few days and nights.
How do I find a dog trainer in London?
Look for a trainer with good reviews and don’t discount online puppy training. It is extremely popular because it is so effective and much more convenient for you with not having to travel. Do not worry about the socialisation side as the trainer will talk you through how this is done. It’s more than showing your puppy other puppies in a class. It’s about how your puppy experiences everything they see over the next few months.
What alternative do I have to Puppy School classes?
There are many alternatives which are equally as popular and since the pandemic, many local dog trainers now offer locally based puppy training classes or excellent online one to one training.
Need to find a dog trainer in London?
One great thing 2021 brought was opening up opportunities to home school your puppy or dog. With the rise in video call usage from Zoom, Teams, Whatsapp and Facetime puppy training continued through the pandemic. Regardless of lockdowns, illness or having to self-isolate, online dog training sessions became widely available and well recognised.
So if you live in London, just think of not having to commute anywhere and having your puppy’s personal trainer video call you once a week to help you train your puppy. What a huge time saver doing it from the convenience of your own home. Working from home anyway? No problem! Think of the time and transport cost you will save. This is also a great option when the weather starts to turn in the Autumn and the thought of outdoor puppy training classes doesn’t rock your boat. Your trainer will support you throughout the course and you will usually be given some homework to practice each week so you will certainly be kept busy!
How much is a dog training class?
Dog training classes vary depending on the area that you live in, however on average these range from £10 to £25 an hour for group classes. Depending on what your issue is, you could opt for a one to one training session which will cost around £30-£75 an hour.
How much are puppy training classes?
Group puppy training classes cost around £10-£25 an hour depending on your location, the qualifications the puppy trainer has and how many are in the group.
Contact Us
Get in touch for a FREE 20 minute telephone or video call about how we can help your dog. It’s the ideal opportunity for you to get to know us, discuss your specific training needs and for us to explain how we can help.
Telephone: 07557 301161
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. Read our full Disclaimer.