Dog behaviourist
You don’t have to rehome or euthanize your dog. They were there for YOU last year, so be there for THEM now.  As a dog behaviour expert and, I am now seeing more and more cases of anxious […]
Separation anxiety
When your dog has behaviour issues, use kind methods to help resolve them If you have ever owned a dog, you know how unique wonderful they are. Some dogs never have any behavioural issues and take everything in their stride, […]
Dog behaviour modification
I was called out as this gorgeous little chap called Bentley lunged and barked at literally everything that moved when on walks and it had become incredibly stressful for his owners. They were at their wits end feeling […]
Behaviour modification with anxious dog
Here is Boswell the cocker spaniel, a dog that the vets suggested putting to sleep many times due to his anxious aggressive behaviour. My clients did not want to give up on him and refused to listen to […]
Puppy training


Bringing a puppy home and how to survive the first 24 hours! Being excited and also a little nervous about bringing your puppy home is a totally normal feeling. Have you got everything? Have you got the right […]