Dog training


🏆 Your 60-SECOND weekly dog training challenge:

Let’s talk about a fun challenge for dog owners this month. Train smart, not hard! Here are three weekly things you can teach your dog using high-value treats:

1️⃣ Task 1: “Commando Crawl” – Teach your dog to crawl on their belly for 1 to 2 metres with the lure of a Tribal sausage treat. Tip: Hold a few treats in your hand and reward them for each limb movement.

2️⃣ Task 2: “Find It” – Hide a few cubes of Tribal sausage treats around the house and encourage your dog to use their sense of smell to find them. Indoor scentwork games are always fun for your dog.

3️⃣ Task 3: “Spin” – Use a Tribal sausage treat to guide your dog in a circular motion, teaching them to spin either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

Don’t forget to set your timer! 60 seconds is all it takes. ⏱️

Dog training 60 second challenge

How to Train Your Dog When You Have No Time

Finding time for training in a packed schedule may seem challenging, but it’s entirely possible. Here are a few suggestions for fitting one minute of training into different times in your day:

  1. Morning Routine: While preparing your morning coffee or tea, use the time to practice simple commands or tricks with your dog. Keep a few cubes of Tribal sausage treats handy to reward them for their efforts.
  2. Midday Break: If you take a break during your workday, take a minute to take a quick training session with your pup. Use a high-value treat such as Tribal sausage to easily motivate your dog and reward good behaviour.
  3. Evening Wind-Down: Before bed, use a minute to reinforce any lessons learned earlier in the day. A quick practice session before turning in for the night can be a great way to end the day on a positive note for both you and your dog.

High-Value Training Treats for Dogs

Training your dog is not only beneficial for their behaviour but also for their mental and physical well-being. Even the busiest of dog owners can find a minute in their day to engage in training, and the results are well worth the effort.

Use high-value Tribal sausage treats for excellent training results. These delicious sausage treats are easy to store and can be prepared quickly for convenient use. Tribal sausages are single protein and are ideal for dogs with allergies.

Tribal sausage treats are not only delicious for your dog but also a quick, healthy, and cost-effective option for training rewards and canine enrichment. With just three ingredients – lamb, chickpea, and carrot – these treats are both nutritious and enticing. Plus, they can be conveniently stored in your cupboard or pre-prepared into small cubes and kept in the fridge or freezer for instant access.

Top tip: Before you freeze your treats, place enough cubes of Tribal sausage for one day’s training in each small freezer bag. This prevents the cubes being frozen in one large block and you can simply take your bag of daily treats out of the freezer without hassle.

If you’re in the Kidderminster area, you can conveniently collect Tribal sausage treats or combine the pick-up with your pre-booked training sessions. Alternatively, local delivery or postage is also available upon request (UK only).

You can also place your order through our website.

Training your dog for just a minute a day can yield amazing results, and with the high-value, tasty treats from Tribal sausage, it’s a rewarding experience for both you and your dog.

#Homework #Dogworkout #CanineEnrichment #DogEnrichment #DogBrainGames #EnrichmentforDogs #enrichmentactivities #PuppyTrainingTips #DogTrainingTips

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